New album by Australian flautist Laura Chislett and composer Edward Cowie Despite three decades apart, renowned Australian flautist Laura Chislet...
"It's technically difficult but that could just be psychological, because there is only one work by Bach for solo flute." Marten Root talks about...
Play softer in the high register with these tips and tricks from the always amazing Juliette Hurel.
The 21st International Friedrich Kuhlau Flute Competition is scheduled to take place from October 19-25, 2025, in Uelzen, Germany. This prestigio...
The Swiss Flute Society, previously known as La Côte Flute Festival, is set to celebrate its 10th festival, “Golden Flute Classic,” from October ...
Leonard Garrison, Associate Professor of Flute at the University of Idaho, and pianist Roger McVey provide performance tips for Offertoire by J. ...
Do you want to improve the sound you're producing on your flute? In this masterclass, NZSO Section Principal Flute Bridget Douglas gives you some...
In this video, flutist Kate Clark shows her technique for making a beautiful sound on the baroque flute--try this at home!
The Australian Flute Festival is set to return in 2025, continuing its tradition as a biennial celebration of flute music. This highly anticipate...
The XVI Festival Flautas del Mundo is set to be held from September 18-22, 2024, in the picturesque city of Mendoza, Argentina. This annual event...