Throughout history, the flute has played a significant role not only as a musical instrument but also as a symbol of social status across various...
Your Global Flute Resource, Your Voice
Throughout history, the flute has played a significant role not only as a musical instrument but also as a symbol of social status across various...
La Marinera Norteña: Origen, Rítmica e Interpretación en la Flauta Traversa a través de la obra "El Chalán", Op. 11, para cuarteto de flautas del...
Abstract Compositrice e pianista francese. É stata la prima donna compositrice nel 1913 a ricevere la nomina del prestigioso riconoscimento di Ch...
Introduction: Flute Virtuosos of Their Time John Lemmoné and John Amadio were two extraordinarily talented flute virtuosos. They were born twenty...