The Global Flute Excellence Awards is a groundbreaking initiative, marking the first time in history that flute excellence worldwide has been recognized for achievements in a specific year. This unprecedented event celebrates 11 outstanding individuals and ensembles across 10 categories, honoring their exceptional contributions to the flute world in 2024.
All nominations were submitted from December 1 to December 31, 2024, by flute enthusiasts and professionals from around the globe.These awards reflect the admiration and respect of the global flute community, shining a spotlight on the artistry, innovation, and dedication that drive the future of flute music.
In the Emerging Artist of the Year category, the competition was extraordinarily close, with only a 0.1% difference between the two nominees. After careful consideration, the organizers and Honorary Chairs decided to honor both nominees for their remarkable achievements and contributions, making this category truly special.
This historic event would not have been possible without the tireless efforts of the organizers, whose vision and dedication brought this initiative to life. Special thanks goes to the hosting platform, Flute Almanac, a beacon of innovation in the flute world. With its global reach, forward-thinking content, and commitment to connecting the flute community, Flute Almanac has set a new standard for how the art of flute can be celebrated and shared across the globe.
The Winners and Categories
Life Achievement Award
Sir James Galway (Switzerland)
Sir James Galway has been honored with the Life Achievement Award for his extraordinary contributions to flute performance, education, and artistry. With a career spanning decades, he has inspired generations of flutists and audiences worldwide, leaving an indelible mark on the global flute community.

Performer of the Year 2024
Stefán Ragnar Höskuldsson (USA)
Stefán Ragnar Höskuldsson is celebrated for his extraordinary artistry and technical brilliance. While all performers were exceptional, with incredibly close results, his performance of Lowell Liebermann’s new Flute Concerto No. 2 with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra stood out for its profound global impact on the flute community. He unlocked the flute’s limitless expressive power, leaving audiences around the world spellbound and igniting a new era of flute performance with unparalleled brilliance, passion, and artistry, while introducing a groundbreaking addition to the flute repertoire that will resonate for generations.

Composer of the Year 2024
Lowell Liebermann (USA)
Lowell Liebermann has been recognized for his Flute Concerto No. 2, a groundbreaking work that premiered with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. This dazzling exploration of the flute’s lyrical and technical capabilities reaffirms Liebermann’s reputation as one of contemporary music’s most innovative voices.

Teacher of the Year 2024
Kathy Blocki (USA)
Kathy Blocki has been honored for her exceptional dedication to flute education, innovative teaching methods, and unwavering commitment to inspiring the next generation of flutists. Through her groundbreaking tools, such as the Blocki Flute Method and Pneumo Pro® Wind Director, and her efforts to educate flute teachers globally, Kathy has transformed flute pedagogy and made high-quality flute education accessible worldwide.

Flute Maker of the Year 2024
Emanuel Flutes (Emanuel Arista) (USA)
Emanuel Arista has been recognized for his unparalleled craftsmanship and innovation in flute making. His creation of a solid 22K gold headjoint is a groundbreaking achievement that redefines the possibilities of flute construction, inspiring flutists and raising the bar for craftsmanship in the flute community.

Innovator of the Year 2024
Voice dell’Anima (Sofia de Salis and Kirill Bogomilov) (Switzerland/Russia)
Voice dell’Anima has been honored for their revolutionary contributions to spiritual and meditative music. Combining live flute improvisation with ethnic instruments, electronic soundscapes, and natural elements, they have created a transformative genre that inspires healing, emotion, and connection, redefining the flute’s role in modern music.

Flute Advocate Award
Francesco Belfiore (Italy)
Francesco Belfiore is celebrated for his dedication to preserving and promoting the legacy of the traverso and historical flute performance. Through his platform,, he has provided invaluable educational resources, fostered global dialogue, and inspired a vibrant community of historical flute enthusiasts, connecting the past and present through education, innovation, and advocacy.

Inspirational Story Award
Anton Kushnir (Ukraine)
Anton Kushnir is celebrated for his extraordinary vision and resilience in establishing the Ukrainian Flute Society. His efforts have united flutists and created a thriving community, demonstrating the power of music to inspire, uplift, and connect in the face of incredible challenges.

Emerging Artist of the Year 2024
Valerie Teresa Walter (Germany)
Valerie Teresa Walter is celebrated for her extraordinary versatility and artistry as a flutist. Her leadership as a principal flutist and captivating solo performances have demonstrated technical brilliance and emotive expression, earning her recognition as one of the most promising flutists of her generation.

Nikka Gershman (USA)
At just 17 years old, Nikka Gershman has inspired audiences worldwide with her virtuosity and innovative approach to performance. Her outreach efforts, expanding the flute repertoire and bringing music to unconventional venues, exemplify her dedication to making music accessible and impactful.

Ensemble of the Year 2024
Post Tenebras Flûtes (Switzerland)
Post Tenebras Flûtes has been honored for their exceptional artistry and innovative programming. Their enthralling performances and pursuit of artistic excellence have enriched the flute ensemble repertoire, inspiring audiences worldwide and setting new standards in flute ensemble performance.

The Judging Panel
The selection process for the Global Flute Excellence Awards was designed to be rigorous, transparent, and impartial. The criteria for the judges were highly specific, focusing on:
- Recognizing excellence in artistry, innovation, or education.
- Measuring the impact and influence of nominees on the global flute community.
- Evaluating contributions to the advancement of the flute on an international scale.
- Considering the overall quality of each nomination.
Judges were carefully assigned to categories where they could remain neutral, ensuring fairness in the evaluation process. In cases where a judge was nominated for an award, they were excluded from voting in that category to maintain complete objectivity. To further protect the integrity of the process, judges were asked not to disclose their role to anyone, avoiding any potential pressure or influence.
Each criteria carried a specific weight and was evaluated on a meticulously designed scale. To ensure accuracy and impartiality, the results were sent to a professional statistician for analysis and calculation. This method eliminated the potential for human error and guaranteed that every winner truly represents the pinnacle of excellence in their respective category.
The Judges Panel consists of 52 distinguished individuals representing 19 countries, showcasing the global diversity and expertise of the flute community. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the judges who dedicated their time and effort to carefully review the nominations and cast their votes, ensuring a fair and thorough evaluation process.
- Galway, Sir James (Switzerland) Honorary Chair & Patron, Global Flute Excellence Awards
- Galway, Lady Jeanne (Switzerland) Honorary Chair & Patron, Global Flute Excellence Awards
- Gaudino, Marco (Italy) Chair, Judging Panel for Global Flute Excellence Awards
- Berry, Yulia (USA) Founder of Flute Almanac, the hosting platform of the Global Flute Excellence Awards
- Adorján, András (Germany)
- Arista, Emanuel (USA)
- Ayscue, Ronna (USA)
- Barile, Claudio (Argentina)
- Bayramogullari, Lelya (Turkey)
- Barta, Steve (USA)
- Belfiore, Francesco (Italy)
- Bovini, Marianna (Italy)
- Campitelli, Vilma (Italy)
- Canali, Francesca (Austria)
- Conforti, Cosimina Antonella (Italy)
- Carranza Cueto, Manuel (Peru)
- Conti, Stefano (Italy)
- Correia, Jorge Salgado (Portugal)
- Cristaldi, Corrado (Italy)
- Czeloth-Csetényi, Gyula (Hungary)
- Dalmoro, Paolo (Italy)
- D’Hollander, Berten (Belgium)
- de Pijper, Rogier (The Netherlands)
- de Salis, Sofia (Switzerland)
- Doppler, Ulrich (Germany)
- Felicioni, Marco (Italy)
- Ghiani, Riccardo (Italy)
- Guerra, Elisa (Spain)
- Guido, Francesco (Italy)
- Khudiakov, Oleg (Russia)
- Kushnir, Anton (Ukraine)
- Lane, Tim (USA)
- Maclagan, Susan (Canada)
- Magalif, Eugene (USA)
- Manuel, Oscar (Spain)
- Masi, Laurent (Italy)
- Miilmann, Ulla (Denmark)
- Montafia, Claudio (Italy)
- Narcisi, Lello (Italy)
- Nekipelova, Irina (Russia)
- Noyce, Rik (USA)
- Peskina, Polina (Switzerland)
- Prytula, Viktor (Ukraine)
- Sartori, Enrico (China)
- Szabolcs, Szilágyi (Hungary)
- Sytianko, Oleg (Finland)
- Tami, Eduardo (Argentina)
- Valerio, Niccolò (Italy)
- Vologdina, Marina (Russia)
- Weiss, Alan (USA)
- Wheeler, Vic (USA)
A Historic Celebration
The Global Flute Excellence Awards stand as a testament to the remarkable talent and innovation within the flute community. By recognizing these 11 exceptional winners, the awards not only celebrate their achievements but also underscore the flute’s enduring legacy as a powerful instrument of artistic expression.
Equally, we extend our heartfelt admiration to all the nominees who were nominated in this year’s awards by the global flute community. Their extraordinary artistry, dedication, and passion made the selection process incredibly close and difficult. Each of them has left an indelible mark on the global flute community, inspiring audiences and enriching the repertoire in ways that go far beyond accolades. Their contributions remind us that the pursuit of excellence is a journey that uplifts the entire flute world, and we celebrate their brilliance alongside the winners.